Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Awaiting Moderation Tool

This morning I received a lovely comment from Plushpussycat saying "Happy new year, Sharee! I look forward to more fun with you in 2015! xo Jennifer". Unfortunately while using the little screen on my phone I hit 'delete' instead of 'publish' and deleted her message. I felt terrible.

Jennifer I so look forward to following your wonderful blog through 2015 and those of our other blog friends.

For the first time in my four years of blogging I have had to resort to using the 'Awaiting Moderation' tool because there is a persistent spammer that keeps trying to post nonsense on my blog - 13 attempts on different blog posts the other day. I had to go to each post and delete the messages. It isn't even advertising it is just nonsense. Someone has too much time on their hands! Eventually I had to resort to using the 'Awaiting Moderation' tool to have some control over the situation.

I am trying to get to grips with using polymer clay - that is the first task I have set myself in learning new skills and improving my existing skills for miniatures. There are so many possibilities with polymer clay and I really admire the work of other miniaturists in their creative use of polymer clay. So far I have a lot of failed experiments in the bin but I am learning and hopefully will have something to show you soon. I have just bought myself some new polymer clay with some Christmas money I was given and this has made a big difference. What I had before was a mix of clays and they were very old. I have bought some colours from the Du-kit range which is a New Zealand product.

I hope everyone has enjoyed their holiday break and has had a bit of creative time.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about that spammer... but I'm glad to hear you're diving your hands into clay! I'm very curious to see your results... ;O)


  2. Oh I get them from time to time as well. Blogger picks up most of the spam but sometimes people just want to use your blog to get more clicks on theirs.

    I await this years new clay creations! You know you can always ask some of your clay CraZeD blogging friends if you need tips *wink*


    1. Happy New Year Jane. Your name was at the top of my list when I said "I really admire the work of other miniaturists in their creative use of polymer clay". I would always be grateful for any tips and ideas and I look forward to your constructive critique when I do post some pictures of my creations. I am also really looking forward to seeing the wonderful creations you come up with throughout 2015.

  3. Hi Sharee! Yesterday, I had a DELETE SPAM FEST on a number of my posts from 2 different sources!!! Very aggravating.
    I applaud you for setting your sights on learning a new skill and that you have decided to tackle Polymer Clay. Good on ya! I have heard that adding a little bit of baby oil to the old clays will re-condition them so that they can be used. Don't get rid of them just because they are old. I have seen crafters use old clay to make molds and tools with so that it re-purposes the cast offs.
    In any case. I know that you are going to have lots of fun experimenting. :D


    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I am not throwing out any clay. I will slowly use my old clays for certain techniques and it also means I have clay my daughter Jamie can use in her creative endeavours.

  4. Hola Sharee, Yo siempre uso la moderación en los comentarios, además de evitar comentarios desafortunados no te pierdes aquellos que ponen en entradas anteriores, es lo mejor. A mi me encanta trabajar la arcilla polimerica, es muy gratificante. Un abrazo.

  5. Hi Sharee, I sympathize with you on the deleting issue. I deleted three comments by mistake using Blogger recently. I was able to go to my emails and publish them from there. I hope this helps you. I love your blog and I look forward to seeing your creations in 2015!

  6. Hi Sharee,
    I'm sorry to hear about your spammer. I had one last year and resorted to the moderation as well. It fixed it and I have just left it that way. I am looking forward to seeing your clay creations! It is such a fun medium and I am sure you will have beautiful minis to share in no time.
    Have fun,
    Lisa :-)

  7. Sorry to hear about that spammer, Sharee. I get those now and then too, but thirteen messages! That must have been really annoying! No worries about losing my message. It happens sometimes. Can't wait to see your polymer clay creations. I enjoy working with it when I have the time. xo Jennifer

  8. Hello Sharee, I'm happy to meet you! I'm watching your beautiful minis, you are very talented miniaturist. Warm hugs!

    1. Thank you Magda. I look forward to following your wonderful blog.

  9. I've not yet managed to get a handle on the polymer clay problem (tho I've used some of my home-made stuff and chucked a lot) and am at moment trying to learn to use air-drying clays to make 1:12 heads - it's great trying to learn new skills but I'm sure polymer clay would be a better idea. Have fun, can't wait to see your makings and creations.

    1. I agree it is great trying out new skills and I am sure we will both learn a great deal by doing so even if we create a few disasters in the process. I don't think I am quite ready to try making heads yet but it is definitely something I intend to try in the future. I look forward to watching your progress and reading your blog entries.
