Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lamp Table

I had to cover my daughter's school books today before she starts back at school tomorrow. I have to say it is not one of my favourite jobs. I usually end up with as much plastic cover screwed up in piles on the floor as I have covering the books. When I was finished I was determined to get into my craft room but didn't feel like doing anything too precise.

I made this table. It is scratch built with no measurements taken or anything and only a rough sand and no varnish - certainly not the precise accuracy miniatures usually require, but I had fun and I think it worked out fairly well in the circumstances.

I think the design would probably look good with a plant or lamp on it, perhaps one each side of a large Arts & Crafts Movement settee.


  1. Me gusta como te ha quedado, luce preciosa.
    Un abrazo

  2. Thank you for your kind comments.

  3. Lovely, and doesn't look "off the cuff." Looks like you spent lots of time. :) Make that 2 followers (13 actually.)

    1. Thanks Karen for your kind comment. It is about time I sat myself down and made some more miniatures. I've been spending too much time researching vintage miniatures!
